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/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Important notes: - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons. This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it. Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */ /* cache system (index and stores files in cache) */ /* Author: Xavier Roche */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "htscache.h" /* specific definitions */ #include "htsbase.h" #include "htsbasenet.h" #include "htsmd5.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "htsnostatic.h" /* END specific definitions */ #undef test_flush #define test_flush if (opt->flush) { fflush(opt->log); fflush(opt->errlog); } // routines de mise en cache /* VERSION 1.0 : ----------- .ndx file file with data <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links file without data <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (-datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links .dat file [ file ] * with file= (with data) [ bytes ] * sizeof(htsblk header) [ bytes ] * n(length of file given in htsblk header) file= (without data) [ bytes ] * sizeof(htsblk header) with <string>(name) = <length in ascii>+<lf>+<data> VERSION 1.1/1.2 : --------------- .ndx file file with data <string>("CACHE-1.1") <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links file without data <string>("CACHE-1.1") <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (-datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links .dat file <string>("CACHE-1.1") [ [Header_1.1] [bytes] * n(length of file given in header) ] * with Header_1.1= <int>(statuscode) <int>(size) <string>(msg) <string>(contenttype) <string>(last-modified) <string>(Etag) [<string>"SD" <string>(supplemental data)] [<string>"SD" <string>(supplemental data)] ... <string>"HTS" (end of header) <int>(number of bytes of data) (0 if no data written) */ // Nouveau: si != text/html ne stocke que la taille void cache_mayadd(httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,htsblk* r,char* url_adr,char* url_fil,char* url_save) { if ((opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"File checked by cache: %s"LF,url_adr); } // ---stockage en cache--- // stocker dans le cache? if (opt->cache) { if (cache->dat!=NULL) { // c'est le seul endroit ou l'on ajoute des elements dans le cache (fichier entier ou header) // on stocke tout fichier "ok", mais Ègalement les rÈponses 404,301,302... if ((r->statuscode==200) /* stocker rÈponse standard, plus */ || (r->statuscode==204) /* no content */ || (r->statuscode==301) /* moved perm */ || (r->statuscode==302) /* moved temp */ || (r->statuscode==303) /* moved temp */ || (r->statuscode==307) /* moved temp */ || (r->statuscode==401) /* authorization */ || (r->statuscode==403) /* unauthorized */ || (r->statuscode==404) /* not found */ || (r->statuscode==410) /* gone */ ) { /* ne pas stocker si la page gÈnÈrÈe est une erreur */ if (!r->is_file) { // stocker fichiers (et robots.txt) if ( (strnotempty(url_save)) || (strcmp(url_fil,"/robots.txt")==0)) { // ajouter le fichier au cache cache_add(*r,url_adr,url_fil,url_save,cache->ndx,cache->dat,opt->all_in_cache); } } } } } // ---fin stockage en cache--- } /* Ajout d'un fichier en cache */ void cache_add(htsblk r,char* url_adr,char* url_fil,char* url_save,FILE* cache_ndx,FILE* cache_dat,int all_in_cache) { int pos; char s[256]; char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*4]; int ok=1; int dataincache=0; // donnÈe en cache? /*char digest[32+2];*/ /*digest[0]='\0';*/ // Longueur url_save==0? if ( (strnotempty(url_save)==0) ) { if (strcmp(url_fil,"/robots.txt")==0) // robots.txt dataincache=1; else return; // erreur (sauf robots.txt) } if (r.size <= 0) // taille <= 0 return; // refusÈ.. // Mettre les *donÈes* en cache ? if (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) // html, mise en cache des donnÈes et dataincache=1; // pas uniquement de l'en tÍte else if (all_in_cache) dataincache=1; // forcer tout en cache /* calcul md5 ? */ /* if (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) { // html, calcul MD5 if (r.adr) { domd5mem(r.adr,r.size,digest,1); } }*/ // Position fflush(cache_dat); fflush(cache_ndx); pos=ftell(cache_dat); // Ècrire pointeur seek, adresse, fichier if (dataincache) // patcher sprintf(s,"%d\n",pos); // ecrire tel que (eh oui Èvite les \0..) else sprintf(s,"%d\n",-pos); // ecrire tel que (eh oui Èvite les \0..) // data // Ècrire donnÈes en-tÍte, donnÈes fichier /*if (!dataincache) { // patcher r.size=-r.size; // nÈgatif }*/ // Construction header ok=0; if (cache_wint(cache_dat,r.statuscode)!=-1) // statuscode if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat,r.size)!=-1) // size if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,r.msg)!=-1) // msg if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,r.contenttype)!=-1) // contenttype if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,r.lastmodified)!=-1) // last-modified if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,r.etag)!=-1) // Etag if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,(r.location!=NULL)?r.location:"")!=-1) // 'location' pour moved if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,r.cdispo)!=-1) // Content-disposition if (cache_wstr(cache_dat,"HTS")!=-1) // end of header ok=1; /* ok */ // Fin construction header /*if ((int) fwrite((char*) &r,1,sizeof(htsblk),cache_dat) == sizeof(htsblk)) {*/ if (ok) { if (dataincache) { // mise en cache? if (!r.adr) { /* taille nulle (parfois en cas de 301 */ if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat,0)==-1) /* 0 bytes */ ok=0; } else if (r.is_write==0) { // en mÈmoire, recopie directe if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat,r.size)!=-1) { if (r.size>0) { // taille>0 if ((INTsys) fwrite(r.adr,1,(INTsys)r.size,cache_dat)!=r.size) ok=0; } else // taille=0, ne rien Ècrire ok=0; } else ok=0; } else { // recopier fichier dans cache FILE* fp; // On recopie le fichier.. LLint file_size=fsize(fconv(url_save)); if (file_size>=0) { if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat,file_size)!=-1) { fp=fopen(fconv(url_save),"rb"); if (fp!=NULL) { char buff[32768]; int nl; do { nl=fread(buff,1,32768,fp); if (nl>0) { if ((INTsys) fwrite(buff,1,(INTsys)nl,cache_dat)!=nl) { // erreur nl=-1; ok=0; } } } while(nl>0); fclose(fp); } else ok=0; } else ok=0; } else ok=0; } } else { if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat,0)==-1) /* 0 bytes */ ok=0; } } else ok=0; /*if (!dataincache) { // dÈpatcher r.size=-r.size; }*/ // index // adresse+cr+fichier+cr if (ok) { buff[0]='\0'; strcatbuff(buff,url_adr); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,url_fil); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); cache_wstr(cache_ndx,buff); fwrite(s,1,strlen(s),cache_ndx); } // si ok=0 on a peut Ítre Ècrit des donnÈes pour rien mais on s'en tape // en cas de plantage, on aura au moins le cache! fflush(cache_dat); fflush(cache_ndx); } // lecture d'un fichier dans le cache // si save==null alors test unqiquement htsblk cache_read(httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,char* adr,char* fil,char* save) { #if HTS_FAST_CACHE long int hash_pos; int hash_pos_return; #else char* a; #endif char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char location[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; htsblk r; int ok=0; int header_only=0; memset(&r, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; strcpybuff(location,""); r.location=location; #if HTS_FAST_CACHE strcpybuff(buff,adr); strcatbuff(buff,fil); hash_pos_return=inthash_read((inthash)cache->hashtable,buff,(long int*)&hash_pos); #else buff[0]='\0'; strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,adr); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,fil); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); if (cache->use) a=strstr(cache->use,buff); else a=NULL; // forcer erreur #endif /* avoid errors on data entries */ if (adr[0] == '/' && adr[1] == '/' && adr[2] == '[') { #if HTS_FAST_CACHE hash_pos_return = 0; #else a = NULL; #endif } // en cas de succËs #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (hash_pos_return) { #else if (a!=NULL) { // OK existe en cache! #endif int pos; #if DEBUGCA fprintf(stdout,"..cache: %s%s at ",adr,fil); #endif #if HTS_FAST_CACHE pos=hash_pos; /* simply */ #else a+=strlen(buff); sscanf(a,"%d",&pos); // lire position #endif #if DEBUGCA printf("%d\n",pos); #endif fflush(cache->olddat); if (fseek(cache->olddat,((pos>0)?pos:(-pos)),SEEK_SET) == 0) { /* Importer cache1.0 */ if (cache->version==0) { OLD_htsblk old_r; if (fread((char*) &old_r,1,sizeof(old_r),cache->olddat)==sizeof(old_r)) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc) r.statuscode=old_r.statuscode; r.size=old_r.size; // taille fichier strcpybuff(r.msg,old_r.msg); strcpybuff(r.contenttype,old_r.contenttype); ok=1; /* import ok */ } /* */ /* Cache 1.1 */ } else { char check[256]; LLint size_read; check[0]='\0'; // cache_rint(cache->olddat,&r.statuscode); cache_rLLint(cache->olddat,&r.size); cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.msg); cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.contenttype); cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.lastmodified); cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.etag); cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.location); if (cache->version >= 2) cache_rstr(cache->olddat,r.cdispo); // cache_rstr(cache->olddat,check); if (strcmp(check,"HTS")==0) { /* intÈgritÈ OK */ ok=1; } cache_rLLint(cache->olddat,&size_read); /* lire size pour Ítre s˚r de la taille dÈclarÈe (rÈÈcrire) */ if (size_read>0) { /* si inscrite ici */ r.size=size_read; } else { /* pas de donnÈes directement dans le cache, fichier prÈsent? */ if (r.statuscode!=200) header_only=1; /* que l'en tÍte ici! */ } } /* Remplir certains champs */ r.totalsize=r.size; // lecture du header (y compris le statuscode) /*if (fread((char*) &r,1,sizeof(htsblk),cache->olddat)==sizeof(htsblk)) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc)*/ if (ok) { // sÈcuritÈ r.adr=NULL; r.out=NULL; ////r.location=NULL; non, fixÈe lors des 301 ou 302 r.fp=NULL; if ( (r.statuscode>=0) && (r.statuscode<=999) && (r.notmodified>=0) && (r.notmodified<=9) ) { // petite vÈrif intÈgritÈ if ((save) && (!header_only) ) { /* ne pas lire uniquement header */ //int to_file=0; r.adr=NULL; r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; // // r.location=NULL; #if HTS_DIRECTDISK // Court-circuit: // Peut-on stocker le fichier directement sur disque? if ((r.statuscode==200) && (!is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) && (strnotempty(save))) { // pas HTML, Ècrire sur disk directement int ok=0; r.is_write=1; // Ècrire if (fexist(antislash(save))) { // un fichier existe dÈja //if (fsize(antislash(save))==r.size) { // mÍme taille -- NON tant pis (taille mal declaree) ok=1; // plus rien ‡ faire filenote(save,NULL); // noter comme connu //} } if ((pos<0) && (!ok)) { // Pas de donnÈe en cache et fichier introuvable : erreur! if (opt->norecatch) { filecreateempty(save); // r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"File deleted by user not recaught"); ok=1; // ne pas rÈcupÈrer (et pas d'erreur) } else { r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Previous cache file not found"); ok=1; // ne pas rÈcupÈrer } } if (!ok) { r.out=filecreate(save); #if HDEBUG printf("direct-disk: %s\n",save); #endif if (r.out!=NULL) { char buff[32768+4]; LLint nl; LLint size; size=r.size; do { nl=fread(buff,1,(INTsys) minimum(size,32768),cache->olddat); if (nl>0) { size-=nl; if ((INTsys) fwrite(buff,1,(INTsys)nl,r.out)!=nl) { // erreur r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Read Error : Read To Disk"); } } } while((nl>0) && (size>0) && (r.statuscode!=-1)); fclose(r.out); r.out=NULL; #if HTS_WIN==0 chmod(save,HTS_ACCESS_FILE); #endif usercommand(0,NULL,antislash(save)); } else { r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Write Error : Unable to Create File"); //printf("%s\n",save); } } } else #endif { // lire en mÈmoire if (pos<0) { // Pas de donnÈe en cache, bizarre car html!!! r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Previous cache file not found (2)"); } else { // lire fichier (d'un coup) r.adr=(char*) malloct((INTsys)r.size+4); if (r.adr!=NULL) { if ((INTsys) fread(r.adr,1,(INTsys)r.size,cache->olddat)!=r.size) { // erreur freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Read Error : Read Data"); } else *(r.adr+r.size)='\0'; //printf(">%s status %d\n",back[p].r.contenttype,back[p].r.statuscode); } else { // erreur r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Memory Error"); } } } } // si save==null, ne rien charger (juste en tÍte) } else { #if DEBUGCA printf("Cache Read Error : Bad Data"); #endif r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Read Error : Bad Data"); } } else { // erreur #if DEBUGCA printf("Cache Read Error : Read Header"); #endif r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Read Error : Read Header"); } } else { #if DEBUGCA printf("Cache Read Error : Seek Failed"); #endif r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"Cache Read Error : Seek Failed"); } } else { #if DEBUGCA printf("File Cache Not Found"); #endif r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(r.msg,"File Cache Not Found"); } return r; } /* write (string1-string2)-data in cache */ /* 0 if failed */ int cache_writedata(FILE* cache_ndx,FILE* cache_dat,char* str1,char* str2,char* outbuff,int len) { if (cache_dat) { char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*4]; char s[256]; int pos; fflush(cache_dat); fflush(cache_ndx); pos=ftell(cache_dat); /* first write data */ if (cache_wint(cache_dat,len)!=-1) { // length if ((INTsys) fwrite(outbuff,1,(INTsys)len,cache_dat) == (INTsys) len) { // data /* then write index */ sprintf(s,"%d\n",pos); buff[0]='\0'; strcatbuff(buff,str1); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); strcatbuff(buff,str2); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); cache_wstr(cache_ndx,buff); if (fwrite(s,1,strlen(s),cache_ndx) == strlen(s)) { fflush(cache_dat); fflush(cache_ndx); return 1; } } } } return 0; } /* read the data corresponding to (string1-string2) in cache */ /* 0 if failed */ int cache_readdata(cache_back* cache,char* str1,char* str2,char** inbuff,int* inlen) { #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (cache->hashtable) { char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*4]; long int pos; strcpybuff(buff,str1); strcatbuff(buff,str2); if (inthash_read((inthash)cache->hashtable,buff,(long int*)&pos)) { if (fseek(cache->olddat,((pos>0)?pos:(-pos)),SEEK_SET) == 0) { int len; cache_rint(cache->olddat,&len); if (len>0) { char* mem_buff=(char*)malloct(len+4); /* Plus byte 0 */ if (mem_buff) { if ((int)fread(mem_buff,1,len,cache->olddat)==len) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc)*/ *inbuff=mem_buff; *inlen=len; return 1; } else freet(mem_buff); } } } } } #endif *inbuff=NULL; *inlen=0; return 0; } // renvoyer uniquement en tÍte, ou NULL si erreur htsblk* cache_header(httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,char* adr,char* fil) { htsblk* r; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(r, htsblk, 1); *r=cache_read(opt,cache,adr,fil,NULL); // test uniquement if (r->statuscode != -1) return r; else return NULL; } // Initialisation du cache: crÈer nouveau, renomer ancien, charger.. void cache_init(cache_back* cache,httrackp* opt) { // --- // utilisation du cache: renommer ancien Èventuel et charger index if (opt->cache) { #if DEBUGCA printf("cache init: "); #endif if (!cache->ro) { #if HTS_WIN mkdir(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache")); #else mkdir(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache"),HTS_PROTECT_FOLDER); #endif if ((fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe dÈja un cache prÈcÈdent.. renommer #if DEBUGCA printf("work with former cache\n"); #endif if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")); if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")); rename(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"),fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")); rename(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"),fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")); } else { // un des deux (ou les deux) fichiers cache absents: effacer l'autre Èventuel #if DEBUGCA printf("new cache\n"); #endif if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); } } // charger index cache prÈcÈdent if ( ( !cache->ro && fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat")) >=0 && fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")) >0 ) || ( cache->ro && fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")) >=0 && fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")) > 0 ) ) { FILE* oldndx=NULL; #if DEBUGCA printf("..load cache\n"); #endif if (!cache->ro) { cache->olddat=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"),"rb"); oldndx=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"),"rb"); } else { cache->olddat=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"),"rb"); oldndx=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"),"rb"); } // les deux doivent Ítre ouvrables if ((cache->olddat==NULL) && (oldndx!=NULL)) { fclose(oldndx); oldndx=NULL; } if ((cache->olddat!=NULL) && (oldndx==NULL)) { fclose(cache->olddat); cache->olddat=NULL; } // lire index if (oldndx!=NULL) { int buffl; fclose(oldndx); oldndx=NULL; // lire ndx, et lastmodified if (!cache->ro) { buffl=fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")); cache->use=readfile(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx")); } else { buffl=fsize(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); cache->use=readfile(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); } if (cache->use!=NULL) { char firstline[256]; char* a=cache->use; a+=cache_brstr(a,firstline); if (strncmp(firstline,"CACHE-",6)==0) { // Nouvelle version du cache if (strncmp(firstline,"CACHE-1.",8)==0) { // Version 1.1x cache->version=(int)(firstline[8]-'0'); // cache 1.x if (cache->version <= 2) { a+=cache_brstr(a,firstline); strcpybuff(cache->lastmodified,firstline); } else { if (opt->errlog) { fspc(opt->errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"Cache: version 1.%d not supported, ignoring current cache"LF,cache->version); fflush(opt->errlog); } fclose(cache->olddat); cache->olddat=NULL; freet(cache->use); cache->use=NULL; } } else { // non supportÈ if (opt->errlog) { fspc(opt->errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"Cache: %s not supported, ignoring current cache"LF,firstline); fflush(opt->errlog); } fclose(cache->olddat); cache->olddat=NULL; freet(cache->use); cache->use=NULL; } /* */ } else { // Vieille version du cache /* */ if (opt->log) { fspc(opt->log,"warning"); fprintf(opt->log,"Cache: importing old cache format"LF); fflush(opt->log); } cache->version=0; // cache 1.0 strcpybuff(cache->lastmodified,firstline); } opt->is_update=1; // signaler comme update /* Create hash table for the cache (MUCH FASTER!) */ #if HTS_FAST_CACHE if (cache->use) { char line[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char linepos[256]; int pos; while ( (a!=NULL) && (a < (cache->use+buffl) ) ) { a=strchr(a+1,'\n'); /* start of line */ if (a) { a++; /* read "host/file" */ a+=binput(a,line,HTS_URLMAXSIZE); a+=binput(a,line+strlen(line),HTS_URLMAXSIZE); /* read position */ a+=binput(a,linepos,200); sscanf(linepos,"%d",&pos); inthash_add((inthash)cache->hashtable,line,pos); } } /* Not needed anymore! */ freet(cache->use); cache->use=NULL; } #endif } } } // taille cache>0 #if DEBUGCA printf("..create cache\n"); #endif if (!cache->ro) { // ouvrir caches actuels cache->dat=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat"),"wb"); cache->ndx=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx"),"wb"); // les deux doivent Ítre ouvrables if ((cache->dat==NULL) && (cache->ndx!=NULL)) { fclose(cache->ndx); cache->ndx=NULL; } if ((cache->dat!=NULL) && (cache->ndx==NULL)) { fclose(cache->dat); cache->dat=NULL; } if (cache->ndx!=NULL) { char s[256]; cache_wstr(cache->dat,"CACHE-1.2"); fflush(cache->dat); cache_wstr(cache->ndx,"CACHE-1.2"); fflush(cache->ndx); // time_gmt_rfc822(s); // date et heure actuelle GMT pour If-Modified-Since.. cache_wstr(cache->ndx,s); fflush(cache->ndx); // un petit fflush au cas o˘ // supprimer old.lst if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst")); // renommer if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst"))) rename(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst"),fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst")); // ouvrir cache->lst=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst"),"wb"); { filecreate_params tmp; strcpybuff(tmp.path,opt->path_html); // chemin tmp.lst=cache->lst; // fichier lst filenote("",&tmp); // initialiser filecreate } // supprimer old.txt if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt"))) remove(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt")); // renommer if (fexist(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt"))) rename(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt"),fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt")); // ouvrir cache->txt=fopen(fconcat(opt->path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt"),"wb"); if (cache->txt) { fprintf(cache->txt,"date\tsize'/'remotesize\tflags(request:Update,Range state:File response:Modified,Chunked,gZipped)\t"); fprintf(cache->txt,"statuscode\tstatus ('servermsg')\tMIME\tEtag|Date\tURL\tlocalfile\t(from URL)"LF); } // test // cache_writedata(cache->ndx,cache->dat,"//[TEST]//","test1","TEST PIPO",9); } } else { cache->lst = cache->dat = cache->ndx = NULL; } } } // lire un fichier.. (compatible \0) char* readfile(char* fil) { char* adr=NULL; int len=0; len=fsize(fil); if (len>0) { // existe FILE* fp; fp=fopen(fconv(fil),"rb"); if (fp!=NULL) { // n'existe pas (!) adr=(char*) malloct(len+1); if (adr!=NULL) { if ((int) fread(adr,1,len,fp)!=len) { // fichier endommagÈ ? freet(adr); adr=NULL; } else *(adr+len)='\0'; } fclose(fp); } } return adr; } char* readfile_or(char* fil,char* defaultdata) { char* realfile=fil; char* ret; if (!fexist(fil)) realfile=fconcat(hts_rootdir(NULL),fil); ret=readfile(realfile); if (ret) return ret; else { char *adr=malloct(strlen(defaultdata)+2); if (adr) { strcpybuff(adr,defaultdata); return adr; } } return NULL; } // Ècriture/lecture d'une chaÓne sur un fichier // -1 : erreur, sinon 0 int cache_wstr(FILE* fp,char* s) { int i; char buff[256+4]; i=strlen(s); sprintf(buff,"%d\n",i); if (fwrite(buff,1,strlen(buff),fp) != strlen(buff)) return -1; if (i>0) if ((int) fwrite(s,1,i,fp) != i) return -1; return 0; } void cache_rstr(FILE* fp,char* s) { int i; char buff[256+4]; linput(fp,buff,256); sscanf(buff,"%d",&i); if (i < 0 || i > 32768) /* error, something nasty happened */ i=0; if (i>0) fread(s,1,i,fp); *(s+i)='\0'; } int cache_brstr(char* adr,char* s) { int i; int off; char buff[256+4]; off=binput(adr,buff,256); adr+=off; sscanf(buff,"%d",&i); if (i>0) strncpy(s,adr,i); *(s+i)='\0'; off+=i; return off; } int cache_quickbrstr(char* adr,char* s) { int i; int off; char buff[256+4]; off=binput(adr,buff,256); adr+=off; sscanf(buff,"%d",&i); if (i>0) strncpy(s,adr,i); *(s+i)='\0'; off+=i; return off; } /* idem, mais en int */ int cache_brint(char* adr,int* i) { char s[256]; int r=cache_brstr(adr,s); if (r!=-1) sscanf(s,"%d",i); return r; } void cache_rint(FILE* fp,int* i) { char s[256]; cache_rstr(fp,s); sscanf(s,"%d",i); } int cache_wint(FILE* fp,int i) { char s[256]; sprintf(s,"%d",(int) i); return cache_wstr(fp,s); } void cache_rLLint(FILE* fp,LLint* i) { char s[256]; cache_rstr(fp,s); sscanf(s,LLintP,i); } int cache_wLLint(FILE* fp,LLint i) { char s[256]; sprintf(s,LLintP,(LLint) i); return cache_wstr(fp,s); } // -- cache --